Endolift in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Non-Surgical Skin Tightening

Today, everyone seems to be self-aware of their appearance. People, regardless of their gender are opting for various cosmetics methods to enhance their aesthetic beauty. There is a versatile variety of non-invasive to invasive procedures that are extremely beneficial in terms of upgrading your Facial Scar Revision looks and sustaining a youthful effect. Among such beauty treatments, an innovative addition is seemingly gaining overnight popularity. Everyone fancies a non-surgical method to maintain their aging factors. If you are not a fan of traditional surgical interventions, Endolift in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah is the solution to rejuvenate your skin texture and color complexion.

What Is Endolift?

This is a non-surgical yet minimally invasive procedure that is designed to tighten and brighten your skin tone. Sometimes, even the sagginess or lack of elasticity inside the dermis can contribute to the discoloration. This unappealing pigmentation or darkening of the skin can naturally occur anywhere on the body. To effortlessly reverse the dark pigments, we use Endolift to treat the affected areas. Whether the aging or environmental factors are resulting in dullness or darkness of the epidermis. Or the decrease in collagen cells is activating premature/mature aging, this treatment is going to target them all. 

How Does It Work?

The treatment is powered by Laser technology. However, it is infused with a special cannula-like thin needle that is inserted into the dermal tissues. The technique revolves around emitting controlled thermal energy which is going to stimulate collagen production. As a result, as the needle is directed into the region under care, the heat energy is going to repair the damage simultaneously. Eventually, the elastic fibers will multiply skin cells by balancing the PH level underneath; collaborating with a tremendous upgrade to the quality of your skin.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate?

This is an ideal treatment for anyone who is looking for long-lasting outcomes. However, we recommend that interested candidates opt for a consultation session beforehand. Our Dermatologist will examine your dermal condition and scroll through your medical history. After careful analysis regarding the laxity of your moderate skin, the expert in charge will sign you up for the therapy.

What Happens During The Procedure?

Although some invasive measures are performed during the process. However, due to the flexibility of the treatment, the plan of action is going to take place inside a Doctor’s office. Below is a general information about the steps and stages you ought to know beforehand;

  • First things first, your concerned area is gently disinfected using an antiseptic cleanser. 
  • We will numb the region using local anesthesia or cream to provide you with a comfortable experience.
  • The laser device is switched on and the needle-like cannula is directly injected into your skin. As we gently pull it upward, the laser energy is going to perform its magic.
  • You may feel mild tingling sensations during the process. This is the tissue’s Skin Tightening up while breaking down the fat cells and repairing the internal/ external damage.
  • The entire treatment time is less than an hour. However, depending on your area under consideration, the timings are going to add up accordingly.
  • In the end, your skin is wiped clean. We will apply some soothing gel on top to tame the soreness before sending you home with safety guidelines.


We gathered some basic precautions for you to heal smoothly;

  • Do not touch your face with unclean hands and avoid cleansing the same day.
  • Moreover, use clinically proven products on your skin after a good 48 hours.
  • Steer clear of exfoliation, or use other tools on the skin to shave off or deep cleanse.
  • Refrain from additional treatment and masks on the skin for a week or more.
  • Make sure to wear a higher SPF, even when it rains or shines.
  • Keep yourself hydrated at all times, and apply paraben-free moisturizers to sustain the plumpness and elasticity on top.
  • Finally, reduce your alcohol intake and limit your smoking as well. These two are leading factors in aging concerns. Therefore, a balance or complete boycott is going to accelerate your youthful days of life. 


The final reveal is a work of art. This is an instantaneous improvement to your dermal problems. You will notice a firm lift and tightening effect along with reduced scarring or spots from previous sun damage or acne. Furthermore, the results can last for up to 6 months or more. But to sustain the maintenance, you are advised to opt for follow-up sessions for improved appearance.

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This is generally a risk-free procedure without any side effects. However, a natural reaction to the sudden changes is going to implement mild swelling or inflammation. You are advised to follow the aftercare with caution to prevent potential infections, scarring, or even bruising. 

Endolift In Dubai (FAQ’S):

In fact, the patients rarely end up encountering the eruption of the swelling, which can be cured within two weeks. However, the patient needs to abruptly sign up for the consultation to observe any negative influence of the session. Without waiting for the specific time, stance, or application of home remedies.  

Individuals who are at the age of forty or above are more likely to be categorized as the ideal candidates to sign up for the session. However, the patients need to fall within the age group of being categorized as adulthood and are also considered as the idealistic contenders to sign up for the session. 

On a minimalistic scale, the fatty tissues end up getting dissolved while also curing and getting rid of the hoarding of the dermal tissues. In one way or another, the patients are able to observe and follow the personalized pattern for the session. 

Even so, the patients are required to encounter a customized number of sessions depending on the intensity of the treatment and the health condition of the patient. Still, on a generalistic note, the patients are able to go through at least two or three sessions.  

The session is capable of being conducted on every kind of dermal and epidermal layer. Regardless of its texture, color, and existing essence, the patients can sign up to cure them. 

Patients of all age groups are welcome to sign up for the session. However, they need to be made sure to fulfill the required physical, psychological, and dermal examinations in order to make sure to be eligible for the session.

According to the researchers, the patients merely need to go through only one session in order to treat the health hazard. Nevertheless, the patients are more likely to receive a personalized response regarding this issue.

The results can last up to 1 to 2 years. However, people may get several sessions to enhance the results. 

Yes, it can help tighten loose skin and enhance your appearance. 


  • It is a non-surgical method to eliminate all your sagging skin. Furthermore, it is your ultimate alternative to all your non-invasive touch-ups for aging concerns. 
  • Another piece of good news is that fact; it requires no extended recovery or downtime. You can drive yourself home and carry on with your indoor activities.
  • On the other hand, the generated results are flawless and natural-looking. Moreover, due to the accelerated production of collagen cells, your skin is continuously repairing and healing naturally.
  • Even the unappealing texture of the rest of the body is treatable with this treatment. You can undergo the same procedure and reverse the saggy skin from your arms, legs, or even Buttock Lift.
  • It can dismiss cellulite and improve the overall appearance of the skin regardless of the thickness or thickness of the dermal layers. 
  • On top of that, it is a safe and effective treatment that is also cost-effective as compared to other cosmetic procedures. 
  • All your wrinkles and fine lines from facial skin and other fragile to stubborn areas of the body can be reversible without putting you under the knife.
  • Finally, all the new changes will instill confidence and boost your self-esteem. Hence, you are feeling good and looking your very best as well.

Book A Free Consultation:

For further information about; Endolift in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. Feel free to fill up your details in the form below and book a free consultation with us today. Or you could directly call our hotline and sign up for a scheduled appointment with our top Skin Specialists at Enfield Royal Clinic.