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Facts About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty in Dubai

Nose Reshaping Surgery

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty in Dubai is a versatile cosmetic procedure that is commonly referred to as a nose job. It requires remodeling the entire structure from the inside and out; addressing certain concerns related to aesthetics and medical malfunctioning of a nose.

Treatment Goal

This procedure is performed in a surgical setting - the treatment aims to improve breathing disorders present by birth or developed later on. The strategy behind the reconstructing technique allows room for reshaping the entire nose by making surgical alterations, enabling the results to last a lifetime!

We offer 6 types of Nose Job in Dubai


Closed Rhinoplasty

Corrects minor imperfections without affecting the entire structure.


Open Rhinoplasty

Allows room for precision-based changes to the nasal shape.

Rhinoplasty Dubai


Nose Tip Plasty

The main focus remains on the tip, modeling a button-like nose.



Breathing becomes easier as the nasal septum moves to the mid.


Revision Rhinoplasty

Requires minute correction to the function or cosmetic concerns


Liquid Rhinoplasty

Utilizing dermal fillers to fix a nose without surgical interventions.

Rhinoplasty Dubai And Abu Dhabi

Types of Nose Issues and Their Solution

Candidates experience improved function and elevated aesthetics. A smooth recovery uncovers a balanced symmetry, aligned proportion, and enhanced shape of a successfully reconstructed nose. 

Deviated Nasal Septumcorrects unaligned, twisted, or bent over deviated noses.
Hump Reductionalters humps bridge in size and structure to form alignment.
Alar/ Nostril Reductiona flap-like thin skin is discarded to design symmetrical nostrils
Revision Rhinoplastyre-touch-ups to previous changes to upgrade altered results.
Finesse Refinementsminor surgical changes to enhance the nose appeal.
Bulbous Noseshortens the nostril’s expansion and refines the tip of the nose.
Widen/Broad Noseelevates facial aesthetics by remodeling the entire nose shape.

Rhinoplasty Cost in Dubai

Rhinoplasty cost in Dubai ranges between 18,000 AED to 22,000 AED. However, depending on several factors such as the reputation of the clinic, Surgeon’s fees, medical charges, anesthesia, and hospital stay services; the subtotal cost on the final billing statements will increase respectively.

From 20,000 AED

From 16,000 AED

From 18,000 AED

Eligibility for a Nose Job

If you’re dealing with the mentioned concerns below, you’re eligible to sign up for a consultation.

Rhinoplasty in Dubai And Abu Dhabi
Rhinoplasty in Dubai & Abu Dhabi & Sharjah

Pre-care instructions by our experts!

Here are a few guidelines to help you prepare for a surgical intervention.

Rhinoplasty Dubai & Abu Dhabi & Sharjah

How Is The Procedure Carried Out?

The formalities are proceeded in the following ways:

Best Rhinoplasty in Dubai


Here’s what happens during the session.

What happens during the procedure?

The surgical changes are performed in the following steps:

Best Rhinoplasty in Dubai & Abu Dhabi

After Care For Enhanced Results

Self-care and healthy living are the key to sustaining the achieved results.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Experience the comfort of a perfectly shaped nose; that functions and enhances your face.

Best Rhinoplasty in Dubai & UAE
Rhinoplasty in Dubai and UAE

Rhinoplasty in Dubai Recovery Stages

Immediate Recovery1-2 WeeksSwelling and bruising around the nose and eyes, nasal splint and internal packing present.
Early Healing3-4 WeeksMajor swelling subsides, bruising fades, splint and stitches removed, visible improvements.
Intermediate Phase1-3 MonthsResidual swelling, breathing improves, nose shape refines, normal activities resume.
Late Healing3-6 MonthsContinued reduction in swelling, final shape becomes more apparent, minor adjustments.
Final Recovery6-12 MonthsComplete resolution of swelling, final results visible, follow-up appointments for any concerns.

NOTE: recovery takes time! Patients are advised to be patient with their journey.


Rhinoplasty surgery in DubaiRhinoplasty surgery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi
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Rhinoplasty recovery in DubaiRhinoplasty recovery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi

If you are satisfied with the provided information, then sign up for a satisfactory transformation! Register your details and book your appointment for a Rhinoplasty In Dubai. We will schedule your appointment with one of our leading plastic surgeons at Enfield Royal Clinic.


Someone fit and healthy is an ideal candidate for the surgery. It requires stamina to recover within a short period.

It may take somewhere between 3 to 5 hours, based on the condition and complexity of the case.

Patients will not have any pain memory from the surgery. However, painkillers are prescribed to dismiss inflammatory reactions afterward.

Your wounds will heal within 3-4 weeks. However, a complete recovery may take longer, depending on person to person.

No, scars are not visible! However, a tiny stitch may be noticeable underneath the nose base, but it fades away in due time.

Yes! Rhinoplasty Surgery is a permanent enhancement that changes your facial features for a lifetime. 

Surely! The treatment was first approached to improve the function of the nose for improving the airflow.

No. Rhinoplasty gives versatile results based on medical and aesthetic concerns. However, Septoplasty is only performed to improve breathing by altering nasal passages.

A nose job is not for athletes or fitness enthusiasts. If someone has a medical concern, we encourage interested candidates to visit us in person.

Depending on one’s work status, candidates may start working from home after 9-14 days. However, it’s ideal to apply for a work leave or speak to the surgeon beforehand.

No. It takes a crucial period and potential recovery signs before getting the permit to travel by air. 

Based on several factors, we provide affordable Rhinoplasty ranging from 1800 to 2200 AED.

Yes, it is generally regarded as a safe and secure procedure with a success rate above 90%.

The results might change slightly over time as the nose matures. However, the refined and attractive shape of the nose will remain the same.

Doctors recommend that patients reach maturity before cosmetic procedures. People between the ages of 16 and 18 are considered ideal.

Minimal side effects like anesthesia risks, skin irritation or swelling, etc are noticed in very few cases.


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