Cryotherapy in Dubai & Abu Dhabi - CRYO For Tumors & Cancerous Tissues

The main principle of cryotherapy is cold healing. Studying the adaptive capabilities of a person have proved that when exposed to ultra-low temperatures in the body, self-regulation and healing mechanisms are triggered. The human body can independently correct many of its issues and restore the smooth operation of the main body systems.

The activation of the immune system through cold leads to an improvement in well-being and real health improvement. This mechanism of training the immune system forms the basis of one of the most effective treatment methods, cryotherapy.


There are multiple benefits of Cryotherapy in Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Low-trauma method
  • Local action, exclusively on the affected area
  • No anesthesia required, minimal pain
  • Effective in the early stages of malignant processes
  • No special preparation required before the procedure
  • The duration of one procedure is nominal
  • It reverses the signs of aging
  • Short rehabilitation period after the procedure

There is slight redness and swelling at the place of treatment, and there may be a feeling of numbness in this area. These effects are a normal reaction of the skin to the procedure and disappear within a short time.


The main effects of cryotherapy treatment are

  • Pain relief
  • Reduction of inflammatory
  • Traumatic edema
  • Elimination of muscle spasm

The high efficiency of cryotherapy, compatibility with drug therapy, and other treatments put local air cryotherapy in several existing methods recommended for the treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of patients with various diseases and injuries.

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What Does Cryotherapy Treat?

Cosmetologically, indications can be:

  • fresh or old scars or postoperative scars
  • local or extensive pigmentation
  • vitiligo
  • excessively oily skin
  • abnormal enlargement of skin pores
  • acne rashes
  • progression of rosacea
  • skin folds in the chin area
  • fading of the upper layers of the skin
  • wrinkled formations of mimic or age origin
  • neoplasms of a benign nature.

Preparation for Cryotherapy:

Before the procedure, the patient is examined, and Dermoscopy is performed.

One Cryosurgery session consists of 2-3 repetitive cycles. The number of sessions required depends on the type of neoplasm, its size, and the severity of the lesion.

During the procedure and immediately after it, there may be minor discomfort (burning, tingling). They disappear at the loss of several hours.

In the area where Cryosurgery was carried out, a crust forms, this is how the healing process takes place, and the formation of a scar begins, which at first has a pink or red color and gradually begins to fade and become skin color.

How is the Cryotherapy Procedure Performed?

During the Cryotherapy Procedures in Dubai & Abu Dhabi, the patient is immersed with cold gas for a short time of 2 to 3 minutes. Cold gas is a mixture of liquid nitrogen vapor and air. During the procedure, only the thin surface layer of the skin is cooled, in which the heat receptors are located, and the body does not have time to cool too much; the patient does not even feel discomfort.

The therapeutic effect is on the entire body, including organs that have not been cooled. Still, its intensity and duration are directly related to the contact area between the body and the cooling gas. Since it takes at least 90 seconds to cool the skin surface to a temperature below 2 °C, the treatment time should be 2 to 3 minutes.

  • The basis of cryotherapy is the effect of auto-correction, so the negative impact of the procedure is practically excluded.
  • Cryotherapy is a medical and general health procedure based on short-term contact of the skin surface with gas cooled to -150 – 180 °C.

Types of Cryotherapy:

Cold treatments can be general or local.

General Cryotherapy:

It is carried out in a special cryo-chamber. This equipment allows the body to experience thermal stress. The duration of the procedure is only two to three minutes. The surface of the skin is cooled to zero degrees.

Such a sharp contrast of temperatures activates the body’s metabolic processes and its protective functions. This does not damage the skin. Prophylactic procedures of general cryotherapy are carried out in the course of ten to fifteen sessions. Depending on the pursued goal, more of them can be carried out.

Local Cryotherapy:

It provides for partial immersion of the body in a gas environment, the temperature ranges from minus one hundred and ten to minus one hundred and sixty degrees. Cold exposure can also be done at home. This type of procedure is referred to as private cryotherapy.

Cryosurgery – Cryotherapy FAQ’s:

Liquid nitrogen or argon gas produces extremely cold temperatures, which are used in cryosurgery to kill cancer cells and abnormal tissue. Since it is a local treatment, it is intended only for that particular area of your body.

Cryotherapy is most commonly used to treat skin conditions, cancer, and pain in the muscles and ligaments, but research indicates that it can also be used to treat other conditions, such as migraines, nerve problems, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and even some forms of dementia.

Extended freezing times often result in pain, swelling, and blistering. People with dark skin often have hypopigmentation in the treated area, though this may eventually improve. 

Cervical cryosurgery is 90% effective in most cases, and abnormal cells typically disappear after the procedure. If they come back, additional cryotherapy or another kind of care might be necessary.

Depending on the part of the body that was treated, the healing process can take anywhere from one to three weeks.

Applying ointments, powders, or creams to the blister is not advised. Avoid any antiseptics like Dettol, Savlon, and Betadine. These antiseptics are toxic to newly developing skin cells and can slow wound healing, but they can help in the destruction of bacteria if the wound is infected.

After an exercise program, cryotherapy promotes healing, increases circulation, and lowers inflammation. On the other hand, undergoing cryotherapy prior to working out can increase blood flow and flexibility, which will enhance your workouts. Additionally, you might feel more energized and equipped for endurance training.

Recovery from Cryotherapy:

  • The treated area will turn red soon after the procedure. It may also develop a blister and swelling. If this happens, do not open the blister.
  • A clear fluid may also come out in the treated area. This is fine.
  • The healing process in the treated area will take about 7-10 days. Most likely, there will be no scar.

Book an Appointment

Are you looking to treat skin conditions like warts, rosacea, acne rash, or neoplasms? Our experts at Enfield Royal Clinic can help you get Cryotherapy in Dubai & Abu Dhabi.